Executive Overview

Agari DMARC Protection provides extensive reporting on an Executive dashboard page. The dashboard contains the following reports:

  • Threats Stopped - Total number of suspicious messages that were rejected or quarantined.
  • Messages Authenticated - Total percentage of delivered messages passing authentication.
  • Protected Domains - Number of domains that are protected with a DMARC policy of reject compared to the number of domains that have a DMARC policy of quarantine, monitor, or that lack a DMARC policy.
  • Portfolio Complexity Report - Total number of Domains over the selected period of time matching the selected domain group (default is Active Domains). Includes an average of all customers in your region and industry for comparison.
  • Trust Score - An index that represents how protected your email is. A perfect score of 100 means all of your sent email was protected by a DMARC reject policy. An industry Trust Score is shown for comparison and consists of the Trust Score average using all customers that belong to your industry and region.
  • DMARC Message Authentication - DMARC pass and fail rates over a specified duration. An average of all customers in your industry and region is included for comparison.
  • What is my Customer Protection Ratio? - The percent of suspicious messages that were successfully stopped. The ratio decreases when unprotected domains are attacked and those messages are delivered. The ratio increases as domains are protected and attacks are blocked. An average of all customers in your industry and region is included for comparison.
  • Domain DMARC Policy, Trend - A monthly view of a specified time period showing the progression of DMARC policy configurations across your entire organization.
  • High Value Domains - Your highest volume and most protected domains.

You can select a time period for all reports on the page. Choose from:

  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • Custom (select a start date and an end date)

The aggregate data in the reports does not include data from the current date or from before the date you had data accumulating from your organization. The data displays in the charts as follows:

  • For the 3 month and 6 month time periods, the data points each represent a full month of data.
  • For custom, each data point represents a full month of data, and you can select up to 18 months back. If you set a start date to a date before your organization started accumulating report data, the "Since..." notation at the top of each chart will indicate the earliest date of the data in the chart. Custom date ranges are also "sticky," in that they do not reset when you navigate away from the tab or page, but only when you log out.


NOTE: Industry averages are calculated weekly at the start of Sunday (UTC time). As a result, between the 1st of the month and the first Sunday of the month no industry averages will be shown in the Executive Dashboard.

You can also share and schedule sending of this report page similar to the way you can with email traffic reports. See Share an Email Traffic Report and Schedule an Email Traffic Report for details.