Default User


Sets the username, password and domain for the default user. The default user is used in places where a username and password may be required (such as when a managed task is set to log on a logged off workstation) but a specified user has not been specified. Using a default user makes your tasks more portable because each Automate system can set its "default Automate user" to an account appropriate for their configuration.  

This section also controls the key sequences Automate uses when attempting to logon or unlock a workstation. Automate examines the Windows installation and attempts to create a key sequence that best matches. These default keystroke are adequate for many systems and may never need to be changed. However, depending on your operating system, hardware, or other factors, you may need to make additions or changes to these keystrokes. The parameters that appear in this section may or may not be compatible depending on the operating system that Automate is installed on.

To access Default User properties, from Task Administrator, navigate to Options> Default Properties > Default User.

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Property Description
Default user name The default username that Automate should impersonate. This can be either a plain username (for example, sparky), or a username/domain combination (for example, When the latter form is used, the domain field becomes disabled.
Default password The password to be used with the default user name specified above. This option can be blank if no password is associated with the selected user.
Default domain/machine name The domain or machine name the user is a member of. This option can be left blank if the user is not a member of a domain or if there is only one workgroup for the machine. These values are also used to replace the special fields of the Logon and Unlock Keystrokes used when logging on or unlocking a workstation. See the "See Also" section below for more information.
Use Default Clicking this button resets the associated key sequence to the default value. Automate will examine the Windows installation and attempt to create a key sequence that best matches. Use this button to reverse any changes you may have made to the key sequence to restore the original Automate logon or unlock key sequence.
Logon Keystroke Delay The number of milliseconds to pause between each keystroke. By default, Automate will press each key in the the key sequence every 200 milliseconds. Adjust this number if the keystrokes appear to be missing during the logon process.