Remote Administration 


Remote Administration is the ability to connect to remote Automate clients in order to deploy and manage tasks on numerous computers across a LAN or the Internet, offering an extremely cost effective way in which automation can be performed within a multi-machine environment. Remote Administration requires at least two separate computers with an Automate installation connected on a network using the TCP/IP protocol. One computer must have the Task Administrator running (local computer) and another must have the Automate Task Service running (remote computer).

Remote Administration is accomplished when the local Task Administrator establishes a connection with an Automate task service (for example, Runtime component) located remotely. This allows for tasks to be developed, and then deployed for remote management and execution. Once connected, a user can conveniently send tasks onto the remote computer using the Deploy button (illustrated below). The user can also enable or disable remote triggering, configure remote system preferences, edit properties of remote tasks and run tasks manually on the remote computer.

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The Automate Task Administrator is used to access the Automate task service on the local computer. This occurs as soon as the service starts. With Remote Administration, task services located on other computers can be accessed as well. Requirements for Remote Administration are as follows:

  • Automate Task Administrator must be running on the local computer.

  • If connecting to a remote Automate Desktop client, Remote Administration must be enabled on those clients and a password must be set.

  • The task service is running on each remote computer.

  • A TCP/IP connection is established from the local computer to each remote computer computer where Automate is installed.

The Automate Task Administrator and Automate task service are two of several Automate components, all working together to act as one cohesive unit. The Task Administrator contains the interface used to create, organize and manage tasks, set preferences, configure trigger events and manually execute tasks. It generally functions as a "front-end" to the task service. The task service is a background application that has no direct user interface and communicates with the Task Administrator and other Automate components by way of TCP/IP, whether remotely or on the local system.


Using Remote Administration, a user can manage tasks on remote machines in the same manner as he/she manages tasks on the local machine. All the functionality available for the local machine is available on any other machine as soon as Automate connects to it. Once connection is established, tasks can be copied from any connected machine to any other connected machine. In addition, tasks that are created and stored on the local machine can run on remote machines once they are deployed.