

Displays detailed information about the managed task. Also, enables modification of specific details, such as the task name, location of the associated task file and whether task triggering should be enabled/disabled.

To access the Details properties of a managed task, from Task Administrator's Managed Tasks view, right-click the desired task and select Go to > Details.

NOTE: A task becomes "managed" when it is created from or imported to the Task Administrator. All managed tasks are automatically saved in a default managed tasks folder specified in System Settings by way of the Task Service preferences. Conversely, an unmanaged task (also known as external task) is one created without the use of Task Administrator, therefore, management functions of Task Administrator cannot be applied to this type of task. More on Managed vs. Unmanaged Tasks.

Related Topics

Practical Usage

Useful for viewing or modifying details about a managed task.


Property Description
Name The name of the task. To rename the task, enter the new name in the text box and click Apply.
Last run on Displays the date/time when the task was last executed (whether manually or automatically by way of a trigger).
Result Displays the result of the task during its last execution. If a task ran successfully during its last execution, "Success" will be displayed. If a task failed with an error, a description of the error message will be displayed in red for ease of recognition.
Task is enabled If the check box is checked, specifies that the task is enabled; allowing it to be launched automatically by any triggers that are linked to it. If unchecked, the task is disabled from being launched automatically. However, it can still be executed manually by clicking Run button. This parameter is checked by default.
NOTE: Task icons that are grayed out in the Task Administrator indicate that they are currently disabled.
Unique ID The unique ID of the task. To be used for task distinction.
Location Displays the location of the task (.AML) file corresponding to the managed task.