

Contains a variety of preferences aimed at securing a managed task. Specific events can be password protected. This prevents unauthorized editing, viewing or manual execution of a task in a multi-user environment. For additional security, encryption of task steps is also supported.

To access the Security properties of a managed task, from Task Administrator's Managed Tasks view, right-click the desired task and select Go to > Security.

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Practical Usage

Mainly used to make a task more secure by providing password protection and/or encryption for its properties.


Property Description
Require password for the following events Indicates the type of task events should that should be password protected. The available options are:
  • Run Manually - A password is required in order to run the task manually by way of the Task Administrator's Run button.
  • Modify Properties - A password is required in order to modify the properties of the task by way of the Task Builder.
  • View Properties - A password is required in order to view the properties of the task by way of the Task Builder.
Password Specify the password to be used to protect the task.
Confirm Password Enter the password again for verification, and then click Apply to apply changes.
Task file encryption state is unencrypted/encrypted Displays the current encryption status of the task. This will determine whether a password needs to be entered in order to encrypt or decrypt the task.
Password If task file encryption state is unencrypted, specifies the password to enter in order to encrypt the task file. If task file encryption state is encrypted, specifies the password to enter in order to decrypt the task file.
Confirm password If task file encryption state is unencrypted, specifies re-entry of the password for confirmation. Click Encrypt task to apply changes.