Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)


Amazon S3 is an online storage web service offered by Amazon Web Services that allows you to store and retrieve an unlimited amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites.

The Amazon S3 action provides developers the tools to automate to automate common S3 related operations such as the creation and management of buckets and the objects that reside in them.

IMPORTANT: The Amazon S3 activities are performed using Amazon's Simple Storage Service engine, therefore, administering Amazon S3 through Automate requires a valid Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Available Activities

Click the appropriate link for more details regarding each activity:

Activity Description
Amazon S3 - Copy object(s) Allows you to copy objects within Amazon S3.
Amazon S3 - Create bucket Creates and names a new Amazon S3 Bucket.
Amazon S3 - Create session Creates a unique session which can be used to associate subsequent Amazon S3 steps. This provides a single task the ability to execute numerous S3 operations associated to a specific session.
Amazon S3 - Delete bucket Deletes the specified bucket. You can optionally delete all objects contained in the bucket as well.
Amazon S3 - Delete object(s) Deletes a single object or multiple objects contained in a bucket.
Amazon S3 - End session Ends an Amazon S3 session created in a previous step with the use of the Amazon S3 - Create session activity.
Amazon S3 - Get ACL Gets the Access Control List (ACL) for a given bucket or object and populates an Automate dataset with the results.
Amazon S3 - Get bucket location Retrieves the location constraint of the specified bucket and populates a variable with the result.
Amazon S3 - Get bucket versioning Retrieves the versioning state of a bucket and populates a variable with the results.
Amazon S3 - Get object(s) Retrieves a single or multiple objects contained in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Amazon S3 - Get presigned URL Gets the presigned URL of a given Amazon S3 object and populates a variable with the results.
Amazon S3 - List bucket(s) Retrieves all bucket names and their creation dates and stores the results in a dataset.
Amazon S3 - List object(s) Retrieves all objects within a bucket and stores the information in a dataset.
Amazon S3 - Put object(s) Puts one or more objects into an Amazon S3 bucket.
Amazon S3 - Set ACL Sets the Access Control List (ACL) permissions for an existing bucket or object.
Amazon S3 - Set bucket versioning Sets a bucket's versioning state.