

The Automate action contains individual activities that allows you to automate important operations that are specific to the Automate program. For example, you can schedule a task to backup all Automate data and shut down the Automate program before a company-wide system maintenance service takes place. Additionally, you can automate the process of writing a specific message to the Automate log as a means to alert a team member of pertinent information.

Available Activities

The list of activities for this action are arranged below in alphabetical order. For more information about a specific activity, click the associated link.  

Automate - Backup Automate Creates a backup copy of managed tasks, triggers, and system data onto an Automate archive (.AMA) file.
Automate - Shutdown Automate Shuts down Automate by stopping the Automate Task Service, a system service used for the purpose of executing tasks which are manually started from the Task Administrator or automatically started by a trigger.
Automate - Write to log Logs specific data to the Automate Event Log.