Debug Panel - Call Stack


A stack is a dynamic data structure that stores information about the active sub-tasks contained in a task. The Call Stack debug window changes dynamically when sub-tasks are used. It displays execution depth of the current task and allows you to keep track of the point at which each active sub-task should return control to the main task when it finishes executing.


The Call Stack debug window generates information into a single column:

Column Header



The name of the current task and task function are enclosed inside [] brackets followed by the current step number (i.e., [TheTaskName::Main] Step #10).

NOTE: If no task function is selected, the default task function named "Main" will be displayed.

Context Menu

Right-clicking inside the Output panel opens a context menu that contains the following items.

Menu Item


Jump to

Jumps to the current step in the Steps panel.

NOTE: Use a breakpoint to pause the task at a specific step.


Opens the help topic regarding this debug tool.