Error Causes


The Error Causes properties allows you to modify how this step should behave upon the occurrence of an error. The default behavior is to monitor for the occurrence of all errors, however, these properties can be set in order for this step to ignore certain errors or only react to specific errors. It also allows you to set the length of time this step should be permitted to execute before causing a time out error. If any Error Causes conditions are met during task execution, the procedures set under the On Error properties are carried out.

NOTE: All Error Causes properties are optional entries.

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Practical Usage

Particularly used as a way to ignore non-critical errors or overlook anticipated issues in order for task execution to proceed without interruption. Can also be used to set a time out value for time-sensitive steps.


The following problems should cause this step to errorTextAll ProblemsAM_ERRORS=18999,18998,20008Allows you to select / de-select specific errors that will cause this step to fail.The available options are:
  • All Problems - Any problem encountered during execution of this step will cause the instructions specified in the On Error properties to be carried out.
  • Selected Problems - Only the selected errors will cause the instructions specified in the On Error properties to be carried out. Non-selected errors are ignored.
  • All except Selected - All non-selected errors will cause the instructions specified in the On Error properties to be carried out. Selected errors are ignored.
Custom problem codesText(Empty)AM_ERRORS="18999,18998,20008"Allows a custom error code to be entered in case it does not appear in the list of errors. This parameter will adhere to the specifications set under the parameter labeled The following problems should cause this step to error. Variables can be used in this parameter.
NOTE: Use AMError to determine specific information about an error.
Time out and fail afterNumber(Empty)AM_TIMEOUT=20If enabled, allows you to set the total amount of time this step should be allowed to execute before generating a timeout error. For example, a SQL Query step is set to time out after 30 seconds. If the query took longer than 30 seconds to complete, the step would generate a time out error and the instructions set in the On Error properties would be carried out. This parameter is disabled by default.
Timeout scaleText (options)MillisecondsAM_TIMEOUTSCALE=secondsThe scale in which the timeout value should be set to. The available options are:
  • Milliseconds (default) - The timeout value is measured in milliseconds.
  • Seconds - The timeout value is measured in seconds.
  • Minutes - The timeout value is measured in minutes.
  • Hours - The timeout value is measured in hours.