Task Builder Font Options


Task Builder font options allow customization of fonts (i.e. font family, style, weight and size) to be displayed in the Steps Panel when the task is set to either Visual view or AML view.

To access Task Builder's Font Options page, navigate to FileOptions > General > Fonts. Font options is a subset of Task Builder Options.

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The following table describes available font properties, as well as their Visual and AML defaults values. To reset all values to default, click the Reset button.

Property Visual/AML Description
Font Family Segoe UI/Courier New The name of the font to be used when Visual mode is selected from the View menu. An easy to read font for this view is suggested, such as Segoe UI or Tahoma, since Visual mode is meant to provide a clear, natural-language description about the task's steps.
Font Style Normal/Normal The style of font to be used. The available options are:
  • Normal - The text is shown normally.
  • Italic - The text is shown in italics.
  • Oblique - The text is "leaning" (oblique is very similar to italic, but less supported).
Font Weight Normal/Normal The weight of the font (or the thickness of the character outlines relative to their height). The available options are:
  • Light - Defines lighter or thinner characters.
  • 350 - Defines characters with weight class between Light and Normal.
  • Normal - Defines normal characters.
  • SemiBold - Defines semi-thick characters.
  • Bold - Defines thick characters.
  • Black - Defines thicker characters.
Font Size 12 pixels/12 pixels The font to be used when AML mode is selected from the View menu. A fixed-width font, such as Courier New, for AML view is suggested, since this type of view is typically used for fine, programmatic refinements to task steps.