#Uses Comment

'#Uses "modulepath" [Only:[Win16|Win32|Win64]] ...
'#Uses "projectpath" [Only:[Win16|Win32|Win64]] ...
'$Include: "modulepath"
The Uses comment indicates that the current macro/module uses public and friend symbols from the module/project. The Only option indicates that the module/project is only loaded for that Windows platform.

Projects: A '#Uses comment in a project's module is a syntax error. The project itself contains the LoadModule statements for all the modules in the project.
Sandbox may restrict '#Uses.
Parameters Description
module Public and Friend symbols from this module are accessible. If the module name is a relative path then the path is relative to the macro/module containing the Uses comment. For example, if module "A:\B\C\D.BAS" has this uses comment:
'#Uses "E.BAS"
then it uses "A:\B\C\E.BAS".
project Public symbols from this project are accessible. If the module name is a relative path then the path is relative to the macro/module containing the Uses comment. For example, if module "A:\B\C\D.BAS" has this uses comment:
'#Uses "E.WBP"
then it uses "A:\B\C\E.WBP".
See Also
Class Module, Code Module, Object Module

'Macro A.WWB
'#Language "WWB-COM"
'#Uses "B.BAS"
Sub Main
    Debug.Print BFunc$("Hello") '"HELLO"
End Sub
'Module B.BAS
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Public Function BFunc$(S$)
    BFunc$ = UCase(S$)
End Function