DatePart Function

DatePart(interval, dateexpr)
Return the number from the date corresponding to the interval.
Parameters Description
interval This string value indicates which kind of interval to extract.
dateexpr Get the interval from this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Interval Description (return value range)
yyyy Year (100-9999)
q Quarter (1-4)
m Month (1-12)
y Day of year (1-366)
d Day (1-31)
w Weekday (1-7)
ww Week (1-53)
h Hour (0-23)
n Minute (0-59)
s Second (0-59)
See Also
DateAdd, DateDiff

Sub Main
    Debug.Print DatePart("yyyy",#1/1/2000#) ' 2000
End Sub