Format$ Function

Format[$](expr[, form$], [firstday], _
Return the formatted string representation of expr.
Parameters Description
expr Return the formatted string representation of this numeric value.
form Format expr using to this string value. If this is omitted then return the expr as a string.
firstday Format using this day as the first day of the week. If this is omitted then vbSunday is used.
firstweek Format using this week as the first week of the year. If this is omitted then vbFirstJan1 is used.
firstday Value Description
vbUseSystemFirstDay 0 Use the systems first day of the week.
vbSunday 1 Sunday (default)
vbMonday 2 Monday
vbTuesday 3 Tuesday
vbWednesday 4 Wednesday
vbThursday 5 Thursday
vbFriday 6 Friday
vbSaturday 7 Saturday
firstweek Value Description
vbUseSystem 0 Use the systems first week of the year.
vbFirstJan1 1 The week that January 1 occurs in. This is the default value.
vbFirstFourDays 2 The first week that has at least four days in the year.
vbFirstFullWeek 3 The first week that entirely in the year.
See Also
Predefined Date Format, Predefined Number Format, User defined Date Format, User defined Number Format, User defined Text Format