GetObject Function

GetObject([File$][, Class$])
Get an existing object of type Class$ from File$. Use Set to assign the returned object to an object variable.
Pocket PC
Not supported.
Sandbox mode blocks this function.
Parameters Description
File$ This is the file where the object resides. If this is omitted then the currently active object for Class$ is returned.
Class$ This string value is the application's registered class name. If this application is not currently active it will be started. If this is omitted then the application associated with the file's extension will be started.

Sub Main
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = GetObject(,"WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
    App.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
    Set App = Nothing
    App.Quit       ' run-time error (no object)
End Sub