GetSetting Function

GetSetting[$](AppName$, Section$, Key$[, Default$])
Get the setting for Key in Section in project AppName. Win16 and Win32s store settings in a .ini file named AppName. Win32/Win64 store settings in the registration database under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA Program Settings\ AppName\ Section\ Key". If AppName starts with "..\" then "VB and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Sandbox mode blocks this function.
Parameters Description
AppName$ This string value is the name of the project which has this Section and Key.
Section$ This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
Key$ This string value is the name of the key in the section of the project settings.
Default$ Return this string value if no setting has been saved. If this is omitted then a null string is used.

Sub Main
    SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
    Debug.Print GetSetting("MyApp","Font","Size") ' 10
End Sub