Shell Function

Shell(Name$[, WindowType])
Execute program Name$. This is the same as using File|Run from the Program Manager. This instruction can run .COM, .EXE, .BAT and .PIF files. If successful, return the task ID.
Pocket PC
The WindowType parameter is ignored.
Sandbox mode blocks this function.
Parameters Description
Name$ This string value is the path and name of the program to run. Command line arguments follow the program name. (A long file name containing a space must be surrounded by literal double quotes.)
WindowType This controls how the application's main window is shown. See the table below.
WindowType Value Effect
vbHide 0 Hide Window
vbNormalFocus 1, 5, 9 Normal Window
vbMinimizedFocus 2 Minimized Window (default)
vbMaximizedFocus 3 Maximized Window
vbNormalNoFocus 4, 8 Normal Deactivated Window
vbMinimizedNoFocus 6, 7 Minimized Deactivated Window
See Also
AppActivate, SendKeys

Sub Main
    X = Shell("Calc") ' run the calc program
    AppActivate X
    SendKeys "% R" ' restore calc's main window
    SendKeys "30*2{+}10=",1 '70
End Sub