TypeName Function

Variable Info
Return a string indicating the type of value stored in var.
Parameters Description
var Return a string indicating the type of value stored in this variable.
Result Description
Empty Variant variable is empty. It has never been assigned a value.
Null Variant variable is null.
Boolean Variable contains a Boolean value.
Byte Variable contains a Byte value.
SByte Variable contains a SByte value.
Short Variable contains an Short value.
UShort Variable contains an UShort value.
Integer Variable contains an Integer value.
UInteger Variable contains an UInteger value.
Long Variable contains a Long value.
ULong Variable contains a ULong value.
Huge_ Variable contains a Huge_ value.
UHuge_ Variable contains a UHuge_ value.
Decimal Variable contains a Decimal value.
Single Variable contains a Single value.
Double Variable contains a Double value.
Currency Variable contains a Currency value.
Date Variable contains a Date value.
String Variable contains a String value.
Object Variable contains an Object reference that is not Nothing. (An object may return a type name specific to that type of object.)
Nothing Variable contains an Object reference that is Nothing.
Error Variable contains a error code value.
Variant Variable contains a variant value. (Only used for arrays of variants.)
Unknown Variable contains a non-ActiveX Automation object reference.
( ) Variable contains an array value. The TypeName of the element followed by ( ).
See Also

Sub Main
    Dim X As Variant
    Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Empty"
    X = 1
    Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Integer"
    X = 100000
    Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Long"
    X = 1.1
    Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Double"
    X = "A"
    Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"String"
    Set X = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
    Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Object"
    X = Array(0,1,2)
    Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Variant()"
End Sub