CallByName Instruction

CallByName(Obj, ProcName, CallType, [expr[, ...]])
Flow Control
Call an Obj's method/property, ProcName, by name. Pass the exprs to the method/property.
Sandbox mode blocks this instruction.
Parameters Description
Obj Call the method/property for this object reference.
ProcName This string value is the name of the method/property to be called.
CallType Type of method/property call. See table below.
expr These expressions are passed to the obj's method/property.
CallType Value Effect
vbMethod 1 Call or evaluate the method.
vbGet 2 Evaluate the property's value.
vbLet 4 Assign the property's value.
vbSet 8 Set the property's reference.

Sub Main
    On Error Resume Next
    CallByName Err, "Raise", vbMethod, 1
    Debug.Print CallByName(Err, "Number", vbGet) ' 1
End Sub