Exit Instruction

Exit {All|Do|For|Function|Property|Sub|While}
Flow Control
The exit instruction causes the macro to continue with out doing some or all of the remaining instructions.
Exit Description
All Exit all macros.
Do Exit the Do loop.
For Exit the For or For Each loop.
Function Exit the Function block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Property Exit the Property block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Sub Exit the Sub block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
While Exit the While loop.

Sub Main
    L$ = InputBox$("Enter Do, For, While, Sub or All:")
    Debug.Print "Before DoSub"
    DoSub UCase$(L$)
    Debug.Print "After DoSub"
End Sub
Sub DoSub(L$)
        If L$ = "DO" Then Exit Do
        I = I+1
    Loop While I < 10
    If I = 0 Then Debug.Print "Do was entered"
    For I = 1 To 10
        If L$ = "FOR" Then Exit For
    Next I
    If I = 1 Then Debug.Print "For was entered"
    I = 10
    While I > 0
        If L$ = "WHILE" Then Exit While
        I = I-1
    If I = 10 Then Debug.Print "While was entered"
    If L$ = "SUB" Then Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Sub was not entered."
    If L$ = "ALL" Then Exit All
    Debug.Print "All was not entered."
End Sub