Unlock Instruction

Unlock [#]StreamNum
Unlock [#]StreamNum, RecordNum
Unlock [#]StreamNum, [start] To end
Form 1: Unlock all of StreamNum.

Form 2: Unlock a record (or byte) of StreamNum.

Form 3: Unlock a range of records (or bytes) of StreamNum. If start is omitted then unlock starting at the first record (or byte).

Note: For sequential files (Input, Output and Append) unlock always affects the entire file.
Parameters Description
StreamNum Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all macros.
RecordNum For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte position. The first byte is 1.
start First record (or byte) in the range.
end Last record (or byte) in the range.
See Also
Lock, Open

Sub Main
    Dim V As Variant
    Open MacroDir & "\SAVE_V.DAT" For Binary As #1
    Lock #1
    Get #1, 1, V
    V = "Hello"
    Put #1, 1, V
    Unlock #1
    Close #1
End Sub