Embedded Device Waveform EDSA Reference Information
ISASecure EDSA requirements dictate that during testing, a DUT will output a specific electrical signal for each type of output. The timing accuracy of that signal’s transition will be monitored for critical degradations, as a means of confirming the validity of “essential downward services”.
There are three possible signals coming out from the DUT and/or its test-harness:
Electric digital, TTL level waveform with a period of 1s up, and 2s down.
NOTE: Transition timing jitters must be under the given maximum allowed (-mj) at least 95% of the samples, or at a higher percentage supplied by the vendor. To accommodate that, a new -mc (Minimum Confidence) parameter with a default/minimum of 0.95 was added. To reproduce the “old”, strict behaviour, set the value to 1. The percentage count restarts together with the tool restart, whether auto or manual. -
Electric analog, 4-20mA signal (usually at “signal-level” voltages) waveform with a period of going up 10 x 1s at each range/10 level, then going down 20 x 1s at each range/20 level.
NOTE: In parallel with electric digital, all transition timing jitters must be smaller than: max_allowed_polling_lag + (1.5 * max_allowed_jitter). To accommodate that, a new –cj (“Composite Jitter” factor) parameter that factors that expression was added with a default of 1.0. -
For signals that do not conform to the upper 2 groups, the DUT incorporates its own testharness that monitors those signals and switches the state of a digital out as a result.
The EDW monitor is NOT expected to monitor the voltage output accuracy of the digital (a) and analog (b) channels, and subsequently also not the “shape” of the analog waveform - but only their correct timing. Any transition with a timing jitter bigger than allowed, or a test-harness fault signal (c), will trigger an exception, register it in the log, and optionally reset the DUT.
However, the new EDSA-310-ERT.R30 calls for decreasing the max allowed polling lag (“measurement jitter”) from 100ms (10%) to 10ms (1%). Luckily, the new value was already the default since the first version (see -pl option). As well as adding three new pieces of information:
A transition in an Analog signal is considered to occur once the sampled voltage reaches at least 90% of its target value. For example, suppose our signal range is 0..5v. A step up from 0.5v to 1.0v would be already satisfied if the sampled value at the time of transition would be at least 0.95v (0.5 + (0.90 * 0.5)). A step down from 5v to 4.75v would be already satisfied if the sampled value at the time of transition would be at most 4.775v (5.0 - (0.90 * 0.25)). To accommodate that, a new -at (Analog Threshold) parameter with a default of 0.9 was added.