Document Properties clause

The Document Properties clause looks for information contained in the meta data of documents, such as location information, subject matter, and user information. The clause is used by any rule created from a Sanitize Document Content content rule template.

To define a Document Properties clause in a content rule:

  1. Beside the Document Properties clause in the What To Look For? panel in the content rule, click Click here to change these settings.
  2. Enable the properties you want to detect:

    Category Description Microsoft Office Libre Office Adobe PDF GIF, JPEG, PNG
    Subject Matter Document properties such as Title, Subject and Keywords Categories, Comments, Status, Subject, Tags, Title Comments, Keywords, Subject, Title Keywords, Subject, Title Title, Description, Keywords, Subject
    User Information Properties identifying an individual, such as Author or Owner Author, Company, Last modified by (user), Manager Created (user), Last printed (user), Modified (user) Author Artist, Author, Company, Writer/Editor
    Infrastructure Information Properties containing environmental information, including printer information Template, printer information Application, Producer, printer information Application, Producer Creator, Producer, Program Version
    Miscellaneous Information Standard application properties that are not relevant to a specific category Created (date), Last modified (date), Last printed (date), Revision number

    Created (date), Last printed (date), Modified (date),

    Revision number, Total editing time

    Created (date), Modified (date) Creation Date, Copyright, Language, Unique ID
    Rogue Properties Properties that are either malformed or found in an unexpected location Various Various Various Various
    Custom Properties Properties created by the author using a facility within the authoring tool Various Various Various Various
    Location GPS Location information added to a JPEG image by a device - - - Location information
  3. Click Save.


You cannot add or delete What To Look For? clauses. To use different What To Look For? clauses, create another content rule using a suitable template.