Primary Actions

A primary action specifies the principal action that the Gateway performs on traffic on a policy route, or when a What To Look For? clause triggers a What To Do? action in a content rule.

Primary Actions on Policy Routes

Each policy route specifies a default primary action of either:

On policy routes where the primary action is Allow the communication, you can specify exceptions where the communication is not allowed. For example, the Gateway starter policy includes a policy route that allows traffic between your 'Everyone' Machine List and the 'Web Mail' Internet Zone, except where the communication includes potentially harmful content, such as viruses, spyware, tracking cookies, executables, and unknown file types.

On policy routes where the primary action is Block the communication, you can specify a policy reference to a block page. Block pages inform users when the Gateway blocks a communication and provides an explanation.

Primary Actions in Content Rules

The What To Do? clause of each content rule specifies a primary action. Depending on which What To Look For? clause triggers the action, it can be: