Using Tokens in Content Rules and Policy References

The following tables provide a full list of tokens that can be used in certain What To Do? actions and Policy References.

Token Description/Value Where it can be used...

The administrator account email address used by the Policy Engine.


The description of the raised alarm.

Email Alarm Messages

The text of the raised alarm.

Email Alarm Messages

The type of the raised alarm.

Email Alarm Messages

Items detected by the What To Look For? clauses in invoked content rules.


A complete report of the data analysis.

Block Pages, Informs

The low level type of data recognized.

Block Pages, Informs

The type of data recognized.

Block Pages, Informs

The hostname of the machine on which an alarm has been raised.

Email Alarm Message

The IP address of the machine on which an alarm has been raised.

Email Alarm Message

The hostname of the server that initiated the warning page.

Block Page, Quota Warning Page

The name of the route that determined the policy.

Block Pages, Informs

The total quota time for the current route.

Block Pages, Quota Warning Pages

A comma separated list of matched rules.

Block Pages, Informs

The hostname of the Clearswift Gateway .


The full URL of the request.

Block Pages, Informs

The  URL category name for the current request.

Block Pages, Informs

The user name, or, if no user name is available, the IP address of the client machine.

Block Pages, Informs

The IP address of the client machine.

Block Pages, Informs

The remaining quota time for the user for the current route.

Block Pages, Quota Warning Pages

The quota time used by the user for the current route.

Block Pages, Quota Warning Pages

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