Entity Details

When you select an entity in a view panel, summary information about that entity will be displayed in the Quick Information Panel located at the bottom of the Console. Next to the Quick Information panel is the Entity Properties tab which contains more details about the entity. Use the Entity Properties tab to edit the entity's properties.

Host Entities can contain a lot of data. The Quick Information Panel or a host displays three categories of information related to that host: General, Ports & Services, and Exposures. Each of the information categories is described below.


Displays host Name, IP (IP address), OS (Operating System), Architecture, and other general info.

Quick Info - Host Properties

Ports & Services

Displays information about identified open ports and the network services identified as running on those ports. Fields include TCP Ports, UDP Ports, and DCERPC. Ports and Services information is typically provided by the Network Information Gathering step on the RPT Panel.

Quick Info - Ports & Services


Displays available information about potential Exposures gathered from the selected host.

Quick Info - Users & Groups