Searching for Modules

You can search for currently-installed modules using the Search box located at the top of the Modules Panel of the Console.

You can (optionally) first select from the following search criteria using the button of the Search box:

Modules Tab - Search Box Search Criteria

All - A combination of all of the different criteria.

Application - Partial match of the application that the modules can target (generally related to exploit modules).

CVE -  Partial match of the module's associated CVE name (mostly related to exploit modules). Examples: "2003", "2003-0719", "CVE-2003-0722". When searching for a specific vulnerability by CVE name, it is recommended that you omit the "CAN"/"CVE" at the beginning of the name.

Category - Partial match of the module's category (Agents, Denial of Service, etc.).

Name - Partial match of the module's name. Examples: "IIS", "apache", "discovery", "SSL".

Services - Exact match of the module's target service (mostly related to exploits). Examples: "http", "https", "smtp", "netbios-ssn".

Supported Systems - Partial match of the module's supported systems (generally related to exploit modules). Examples: "windows", "sp4", "windows 2000 server - sp2".

Next, type your desired search text in the Search box. The Modules Panel automatically displays the search results. To clear your search and display all modules again, click on the Clear Search button located to the right of the Search box. Remember, the Modules view will only show modules that are applicable for the active Entity View. For example, if the Client Side entity tab is active, only modules that are applicable for client side testing will appear in the Modules view.

Below the Modules pane, you will have 2 options for filtering the list of available modules:

Filter modules by target - Check this box if you want the list to only display modules that are relevant for the target (entity) that you currently have selected in the entity database.

Show modules without target - Check this box if you want the list to display modules that don't have a TARGET parameter. This option is used in conjunction with the Filter modules by target option.