Wildcard masks

Wildcard masks are patterns of special characters used to filter files/folder names or transfers. When a wildcard mask is matched against a filename, the two patterns are compared, letter-by-letter, from left to right until a mismatch occurs. If all the characters in both patterns compare positively, the filename matches the Wildcard Mask.


Wildcard mask characters

?  Will match any singe character (i.e. ? will match a,b,c,1,2,etc...)  

* Will match any sequence of characters (including no characters at all), terminated by the next character in the mask. (i.e. *a will match cutea, wwwa, zzza, etc.).  

[ ]  Will match any character in the character set enclosed in the brackets. This can also be a range of characters (i.e. [A - Z] ).  

If the opening bracket is followed by “!", will match any character NOT in the set. (i.e. [!abc] will match any character except a,b,c)



Wildcard Mask Examples


Will Match

Will NOT Match


all files



sample.bmp, xyz.bmp



xyz, xaz

xyy, zyz


axc, ayc, azc

abc, awc


abc, adc, awc

axc, ayc, azc


aad, abd, acd

add, axd