Downloading Files (Download)

Use the Download method to transfer a file or folder from a remote location to your local hard drive.


Object.Download (BSTR strRemoteName ,BSTR strLocalName , long nMultiPartNumber)



This is optional. Use this only if you want to change the destination name or path for the downloaded files or folder. You can use absolute or relative paths.


This is the path to the remote item you are downloading. You can use absolute or relative paths with or without wildcards.


Use this to split the download into multiple parts.  The default value = 1.  The value specifies the number of parts used for the download.


Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection")

'Specify user, pass, host, and connect as normal...

MySite.Connect 'Recommended: call connect first

'next line changes to a predetermined folder so you can use a relative path in the download method

MySite.RemoteFolder = "/c:/Inetpub/ftproot/Temp/Temp/"

MsgBox (MySite.RemoteFolder) 'display current remote folder

MySite.Download "agent.ini", "c:\temp\agent1.ini"

'now verify downloaded ok

If CBool(MySite.LocalExists ("c:\temp\agent1.ini")) Then

MsgBox "File downloaded OK."

End If

Configuration Notes: