Recording a Macro

CuteFTP Professional can record and playback entire sessions using the powerful macro record/playback tool. Sessions are recorded in Visual Basic Script and take advantage of CuteFTP's COM exposed transfer engine (TE) interface. To play a recorded macro, refer to Playing a Recorded Macro.

To start recording a macro

  1. Before recording your macro, perform the steps you will be recording to test the process.

  2. When you are ready to record, on the main menu, click Tools > Macros and Scripting > Start Recording

  1. Connect to your site and perform the tasks you want to record. 

  2. When you finish recording the macro, click Tools > Macros and Scripting > Stop Recording. The Save As dialog box opens.

  1. In the File name box, type a name for the macro, then click Save (or click Cancel to cancel the recording).If you click Cancel, a confirmation message appears.

  2. Click Yes to cancel the recording session or click No to specify a location to save. If you click Yes, the recorded script is lost.

Configuration Notes

The macro recorder can record most events supported by the CuteFTP Professional's TE COM interface:

The macro recorder uses all defined parameters set in the CuteFTP interface for Socks and Proxy information; therefore, there is no need to add "UseProxy" to the resulting script (macro) that is created.