Secure Site-to-Site Transfers Using SSCN

CuteFTP supports secure (SSL) site-to-site transfers using a proprietary command developed by Raiden FTP Server and supported by GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server and a few others.

To transfer files from one server to another securely

  1. Connect to each site (source and destination).

  2. On the main menu, click Window > Tile.

  3. Drag the file from one Remote Pane to another. The Queue pane displays a double arrow (<->) to indicate a site-to-site transfer.

Both sites must support and enable SSCN (Set Secured Client Negotiation). As of March 2004, the following servers are the only ones to support this command: GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server, SurgeFTP Server, Raiden FTPD, Blackmoon FTP Server, Titan FTP Server, and Orenosv HTTP/FTP Server.