The VFS lets you grant access to files and folders on your system. After selecting the left window's VFS tab, you can choose which files and folders will be available to users and then configure Group and User permissions for these folders.
The Virtual File System (VFS) allows you to create physical folders and virtual folders.
Physical folders are folders you create on your hard drive from the server. They are simply called folders within the program.
Virtual folders reference, or point to, currently existing folders on your computer or another system. Because a virtual folder name is only an alias for the real folder, when you create a virtual folder you do not have to give it the same name as the actual folder it references.
You make the files, physical folders, and virtual folders available to users by granting permissions. To view the folders currently on the server, create new folders, or delete existing folders, select the VFS tab at the bottom of the left window.
VFS Permissions are constructed to allow users the least restrictive access to folders. For example, a user is a member of one group that has read, upload, download and delete permissions to a folder. Even if the user is a member of another group that has only download permissions to the same folder, the user will be able to read, upload, download and delete files from that folder.