The Conditions and Actions for every Event Rule you create, including e-mail notifications, is saved in EFT Server's configuration file. Each time the EFT Administrator connects, it reads in the configuration file. Multiple Event Rules and e-mail notifications can grow the configuration file quite large. If you expect to have numerous e-mail notifications that are basically the same (e.g., you have default text that you always want to appear in the body of the e-mail), you can define the body of the e-mail in an HTML file, then reference it in the body of the Edit Mail Template dialog box.
To create an e-mail notification template
Create an HTML document that contains the text that will be the body of the e-mail notification. You can include any HTML tags and EFT Server variables. For example:
<P>This message was sent to you automatically by GlobalSCAPE
EFT Server on the following event: %EVENT.NAME%.</p>
<P><B>Server Local Time:</B> %EVENT.TIME%</P>
<P><B>Logon Name:</B> %USER.LOGIN%</P>
<P><B>E-mail Address:</B> %USER.EMAIL%</P>
<P><B>Home Folder:</B> %USER.HOME_FOLDER%</P>
You could define the e-mail in an Edit Mail Template dialog box to easily add each of the variables that you want. Then copy and paste the body of the dialog box into a text file, and save it with an .htm extension. Be sure to include the opening and closing <html> and <body> tags. You can add your custom EFT Server administrator signature, your company's logo, any information that you need to pass on to the user, and so on.
Save the file in a location that can be accessed by EFT Server. For example, name the file MailActionTemplate.htm, and save it in C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT.
Define the Event Rule and add the e-mail notification, then open the Edit Mail Template dialog box.
In the body of the e-mail, type file://
and the path to the e-mail template, then click OK.
For example, type:
file://C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT\MailActionTemplate.htm
Click OK to add the notification to the Event Rule.
The referenced HTML file will appear in the body of the e-mail that is triggered by EFT Server.