Creating an E-mail Notification Template

The Conditions and Actions for every Event Rule you create, including e-mail notifications, is saved in EFT Server's configuration file. Each time the EFT Administrator connects, it reads in the configuration file. Multiple Event Rules and e-mail notifications can grow the configuration file quite large. If you expect to have numerous e-mail notifications that are basically the same (e.g., you have default text that you always want to appear in the body of the e-mail), you can define the body of the e-mail in an HTML file, then reference it in the body of the Edit Mail Template dialog box.

To create an e-mail notification template

  1. Create an HTML document that contains the text that will be the body of the e-mail notification. You can include any HTML tags and EFT Server variables. For example:

  2. <HTML>
    <P>This message was sent to you automatically by GlobalSCAPE EFT Server on the following event: %EVENT.NAME%.</p>
    <P><B>Server Local Time:</B> %EVENT.TIME%</P>
    <P><B>Logon Name:</B> %USER.LOGIN%</P>
    <P><B>E-mail Address:</B> %USER.EMAIL%</P>
    <P><B>Home Folder:</B> %USER.HOME_FOLDER%</P>

  3. You could define the e-mail in an Edit Mail Template dialog box to easily add each of the variables that you want. Then copy and paste the body of the dialog box into a text file, and save it with an .htm extension. Be sure to include the opening and closing <html> and <body> tags. You can add your custom EFT Server administrator signature, your company's logo, any information that you need to pass on to the user, and so on.

  4. Save the file in a location that can be accessed by EFT Server. For example, name the file MailActionTemplate.htm, and save it in C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT.

  5. Define the Event Rule and add the e-mail notification, then open the Edit Mail Template dialog box.

  6. In the body of the e-mail, type file:// and the path to the e-mail template, then click OK. For example, type:

    file://C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT\MailActionTemplate.htm

  7. Click OK to add the notification to the Event Rule.

The referenced HTML file will appear in the body of the e-mail that is triggered by EFT Server.