Creating a Timer Rule to Remove Temporary Expired Accounts

To remove expired temporary accounts from EFT Server automatically (including their home folder and any files contained within), you must create a custom Command to execute a script and then execute the Command as an Action in a Timer Event Rule, as described below.

To create a timer rule to remove temporary expired accounts:

  1. Create a Custom Command to use cscript (in C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe).

  2. Create a new Rule using the Scheduler (Timer) Event.

  3. Click repeat each 01:00:00. The Timer Event dialog box appears.

  4. Specify the time, date, and frequency (recurrence pattern) the Rule is to execute, then click OK (e.g., every day at 1 a.m.).

  5. In the Event Rules Actions box, double-click Execute command in folder to add it to the Rule pane.

  6. In the Execute command select in folder 'c:\' Action, click select. The Custom Command dialog box appears.

  7. In the Select command drop-down list, click the name that you gave the Command in step 1.

  8. In the Specify Command Parameters box, type or paste the following text:

  9. EFTDeleteExpiredUsers.wsf

  10. In the Specify Command Working Folder box, click the directory in which the script exists. (In the Scripts subdirectory of the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer installation folder if IIS and EFT Server are on the same system, C:\Inetpub\EFTAdHoc\Scripts or the Scripts subdirectory of the folder you copied from the IIS computer.)

  11. Click OK to close the Custom Command dialog box.

  12. Click Apply to save the changes on EFT Server.