If you are comfortable editing CSS and HTML pages, the Web Transfer Client (WTC) can be easily customized to suit your needs. The default location of the WTC files is C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT Server\web\public\EFTClient. The image files in the directory can be substituted with your custom images. For example, you can edit the CSS file to replace the EFT Server logo (header.gif) with your own company's logo of the same size.
The Web Transfer Client Web page is hard coded in the EFT Server code. However, you can add a registry key that will use an edited version of the Web Transfer Client Web page, EFTWebClient.htm.
Before you make any changes, make a backup copy of any files and images that you plan to edit.
The EFTStyles.css style sheet also controls the appearance of the account management Web pages. Other style sheets in the Client directory are used to control the appearance of the HTML Listing and Upload Form. For detailed instructions for editing CSS files, refer to http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/Style. |
In version 6.1, a copy of EFTWebClient.htm is saved in the EFT Server installation folder's web\public\EFTClient subfolder. (For versions prior to 6.1, contact GlobalSCAPE Technical Support for a copy.) Make a backup copy before making any changes to it. If there is even the smallest error in the file, the Web Transfer Client will not be available.
The EFT Server code that creates EFTWebClient.htm differs between versions; therefore, if you copy EFTWebClient.htm from one version to the next, you might not get the same results. Be sure to keep track of the changes you have made to the files (i.e., comment your code) and merge your changes into the next version when you upgrade. Tools such as Beyond Compare (by Scooter Software) or WinMerge (Open Source) can come in handy for porting custom changes over to new versions. |
EFTWebClient.htm is not used by default; you have to create a registry key to tell EFT Server to use that file. (Otherwise, the hard-coded version is used.)
The locations of various files used by the WTC have changed from previous versions. Refer to File Location Changes for the new file locations and a description of each of the new directories. |
To use a custom EFTWebClient.htm and point EFT Server to it
Make your changes to the file and save it.
Create the "http-applet:/EFTClient/EFTWebClient.htm" registry entry for the customized WTC page and set the value to be the physical path to the new file. You can add the key to a .reg file in the following format:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\EFTClient] "use_registry"=dword:00000001 "http-applet:/EFTClient/EFTWebClient.htm"="C:\\Program Files\\GlobalSCAPE\\EFT Server\\web\\public\\EFTClient\\EFTWebClient.htm" |
(This is just an example; be sure that the path matches the location of the file. Refer to http://kb.globalscape.com/article.aspx?id=10411#WTC for information about WTC keys.)
Stop and start the EFT Server service for changes to take effect.
Open the WTC page in your browser to confirm that the changes you want are there.
For more information about customizing the Web Transfer Client, refer to Q10470 - HOWTO: Can I customize the Web Transfer Client Web page? in the GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base.
If you lack the resources to edit CSS and HTML pages yourself, GlobalSCAPE's Professional Services group can create a custom Web Transfer Client Web page for you.
For information about HTML and CSS files, refer to the MSDN reference at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa155133.aspx.
Enabling User Access to the Web Transfer Client