This online help file is for EFT Server version 6.2.x. For other versions of EFT Server, please refer to (If the Index and Contents are hidden, click Show Contents pane in the top left corner of this topic.) |
The AS2 module provides monitoring tools that can assist you in troubleshooting AS2 connections to EFT Server. Below are some important things to consider when troubleshooting failed AS2 connections.
When you install the AS2 module, if you receive the error "Could not register AS2 component," this indicates an error in the registration. Refer to AdHoc Properties Missing ASP.NET Tab for details of the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool. The tool can be used to register the ASP.NET version.
Ensure that your partner-provided information (AS2 ID, certificates, host information) is accurate and that your provider has configured your account correctly on the remote server.
Provide your certificate file (public key) to your partner and obtain your partner's public key (unless your partner will be sending you non-encrypted, non-signed messages that do not request an MDN).
Send a test file to your partner. The Test button on the AS2 Configuration wizard sends a test file to a defined AS2 partner to verify connection. The success or failure results are displayed in a prompt that contains each stage of the transfer. The stages include the presence of certificates necessary to sign and/or verify signatures, connection to the host and navigation to the correct path, upload of the test file, and receipt and verification of the MDN receipt. The complete HTTP sent and received headers are captured and displayed in a list box under the success/failure stages. You can select and copy the text of this log for analysis.
Contact your partner and ask them to connect and transfer a test file to EFT Server. If the test is not successful, examine reports and the AS2 Transactions node in EFT Server:
ARM report - AS2 Transactions (Detailed) - Review the report to determine why the problem transaction occurred.
AS2 Transactions node - Review the sub-node on the Status tab to view recent AS2 transactions (retrieved from EFT Server’s ARM database) to identify possible configuration errors.
If you receive an out-of-memory error, the computer on which EFT Server is installed does not have enough RAM for the size of files that you are sending/receiving. The maximum concurrent send and receive file size limit is approximately 200-250MB. (This limitation is in the AS2 component.) Each time a file transfer starts, EFT Server's AS2 module must reserve a slice of memory for that file. The reserved memory is not released until the transfer is complete. If the reserved memory is more than what is available, the operating system (Windows) resorts to using the hard disk cache, which is much slower than RAM and can drastically reduce EFT Server performance.
AS2 partner receives multiple MDN failures when sending to EFT Server in HTTPS. Turn off the "100 Continue" reply by selecting the HTTP 1.0 mode check box in the AS2 Inbound Settings dialog box for the partner's account. Refer to AS2 Inbound Parameters for more information about "100 Continue."
You must have the Auditing and Reporting module installed to use the AS2 module. If the ARM database is not installed, configured properly, or fails, AS2 functionality is not available.
If the ARM database fails:
For outbound transactions, the transaction is cancelled, and EFT Server sends e-mails, execute commands, and triggers events. (This includes any outbound transaction, whether initiated by AS2 Send File Action or by folder monitor specified in partner AS2 outbound tab.)
For inbound transaction, EFT Server replies to the partner with "500 Internal server error: database failure," then sends e-mails, executes commands, and triggers events.