AS2 Outbound (Sender) Parameters

For AS2 outbound (sender) connections for transactions over the HTTP and HTTPS ports, enable AS2 by selecting the AS2 check box on the Site's Connections tab. You can enable or disable AS2 in the Settings Template and/or for the user account, or by selecting AS2 in the New User Creation wizard on the protocol selection page when you create the user. The standard inheritance rules apply. (AS2 has to be enabled and configured for the Site before you can enable it for a Settings Template or user account.)

The parameters in the table below can be configured manually or using the setup wizard.




Monitored hot folder


Specifies the monitored folder for added files. If no folder is specified, no folder monitoring occurs. The partner profile can be invoked from the Event Rules. (Can be on a drive or UNC path.)

File include mask


Used to include files based on their extension for sending to the destination to the partner’s remote AS2 host. For example, include only .txt files. Defaults to asterisk (*) to include all files. Blank also means include all files. Accepts wildcard masks; semicolon or comma delimited.

File exclude mask


Used to exclude files based on their extension from sending to the destination to the partner’s remote AS2 host. For example, exclude .txt files. Defaults to blank, which means exclude no files. Accepts wildcard masks, semicolon or comma delimited.

Delete source after successful offload (MDN received)


Used to delete sources files after sending them to the destination, after the MDN is received and verified from the remote AS2 host. Selected by default.

Host address


AS2 Outbound host address. Requires protocol prefix in URL (http:// or https://). Specified in AS2 Partner Access wizard.



AS2 Outbound port. Range is 1-65K; defaults to 80 if host address is preceded by http; 443 if host address is preceded by https.



Relative path to the remote directory, such as, /partnerXYZ, /partners/mailboxes/xyz, or /



User login name




Message subject


AS2 message subject

Content type


AS2 content type. Options include:

  • X12 - Format used by many health care, insurance, government, transportation, and finance organizations.

  • EDIFACT - Format adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as the ISO standard ISO 9735.

  • XML - File format used for structured documents.

  • EDI Consent - Provides a standard mechanism for "wrapping" the EDI objects but does not specify any details about those objects.

  • Binary (default) - e.g., executables, word processing files, database, spreadsheet, and multimedia files

  • Plaintext - e.g., text and HTML files


For information about the various content types, refer to RFC 2046 at

Compress message


When selected, specifies that the AS2 message should be compressed when sent. (Cleared by default.)

Encrypt message


When selected, specifies that outbound AS2 messages should be encrypted. (Selected by default.)

Sign message


When selected, specifies that outbound AS2 messages should be signed. (Selected by default.)

Your certificate


Displays the AS2 certificate public key path to use for signing, copied from the Site. (Can be on a drive or UNC path.)

Partner certificate


Specifies the AS2 certificate to use for encrypting outbound transactions and for validating signed MDN receipts. (Can be on a drive or UNC path.)

Your AS2 identifier


Used to apply a unique AS2-From ID to outbound messages.

Partner AS2 identifier


Used to apply a unique AS2-To ID to outbound messages.

Receipt policy


Used to request an MDN receipt. Options include:

  • Don’t request a receipt

  • Request a signed receipt (default)

  • Request an unsigned receipt

Receipt delivery


Specifies receipt delivery method

  • Synchronous (default)

  • Asynchronous (see Asynchronous receipt timeout, below)

The following fields are used to determine whether a message send attempt has failed due to a timeout, error, or synchronous MDN receipt failure, or other error, after which EFT Server will attempt to resend the same message at regular intervals, if specified. Because EFT Server is sending the same content, it will resend the same message, payload, and AS2 Message ID.




Message send attempt timeout (seconds)


Specifies the timeout after which a message send attempt is considered a failure if no response or error is received from the remote server. Range: 0-600, 60 by default, 0 means no timeout

Message send attempt retries


Number of times to reattempt to send the message. Range: 0 (no retry) to 999, 10 is the default.


Retries do not include the initial attempt. That is, 10 retries means 10 in addition to the first attempt (11 total).

Send attempt delay between retries


Interval between resend attempts. Range: 0 (no wait) to - 600 seconds; 30 seconds is the default

Asynchronous receipt timeout


Specifies the timeout after which EFT Server determines whether an asynchronous receipt was received. Range: 0 (no timeout) to 999,999 minutes; 7200 minutes (5 days) is the default.


If the MDN is received after the timeout expires, the MDN is discarded, EFT Server returns an HTTP error code to the sender, and triggers the transaction failure event, if defined.

Transaction FAILED notification e-mail*


Opens the Edit Mail Template in which you can specify an e-mail notification for failed transaction. (Refer to e-mail Notification Action for details of defining an e-mail notification.)

Transaction SUCCESS notification e-mail*


Opens the Edit Mail Template in which you can specify an e-mail notification for successful transaction. (Refer to e-mail Notification Action for details of defining an e-mail notification.)

Transaction FAILED run command*


Opens the Custom Command dialog box in which you can specify a Custom Command to occur upon failed send. (Refer to Creating a Command to create a command and refer to Using an Event Rule to Execute a Command (Run a Process) for details of using a Command.)

Transaction SUCCESS run command*


Opens the Custom Command dialog box in which you can specify a Custom Command to occur upon successful send. (Refer to Creating a Command to create a command and refer to Using an Event Rule to Execute a Command (Run a Process) for details of using a Command.)

* EFT Server sends e-mails and executes commands only after the final transaction status (Failure or Success) is known.