Allow EFT Server to Accept ODBC Database Passwords that are MD5 Hashed

When you create user accounts within EFT Server, the ODBC database is populated with the username and a SHA-256 hash of the account password. The registry entry described below will cause ODBC to use MD5 instead. The alternative is to use the COM API to create users (reading in the list from a batch file or CSV file) and then let EFT Server add the users and encrypt the password using SHA-256 or MD5 (depending on what is set).

If you are using an ODBC data source for authentication on your Server, and users receive an error saying they are not logged in, make sure the "anonymous" row in the "ftpserver_users" table is set to "0" or "1".  It cannot be set to "Null".

This key is useful in the following instances:

When a user logs in to a Site that is using ODBC authentication, if this registry setting is turned on, EFT Server compares the MD5 hash of the password to the value stored in the database. If this reg value is not enabled, then EFT Server compares the SHA-256 value instead.

When the key is enabled, EFT Server handles everything in MD5, both for authenticating against the MD5 hash and writing out the new MD5 hash into the password field when users change their passwords.






If this value is absent or is zero, the SHA-256 digest algorithm is used; otherwise, MD5. The digest is stored in the database in Base64-encoded form.