Specifying Virtual Folders for Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Users

If you would like to store Secure Ad Hoc Transfer (SAT) temporary users' folders on a remote computer, you can configure that in EFT Server's Virtual File System. Similar to a shortcut, you can point a Virtual Folder to a physical path on the same computer or on a remote computer, but the computer on which SAT and IIS are installed must have permission to write to that folder.

To specify Virtual Folders for SAT users

  1. Create the shared folder on the computer on which you want to store SAT users' home folders.

  2. Ensure that SAT and IIS have read and write permission on the shared folder.

  3. In the EFT Server administration interface, connect to the Server, then click the VFS tab.

  4. Right-click the Site tree, then click New Virtual Folder. The New Virtual Folder dialog box appears.


  5. In the Alias box, type any name. For example, type adhoc2.

  6. In the Target box, type the physical path to the location. For example, type \\\adhoc2.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click the Server tab, then click the EFTAdhoc node.

  9. On the General tab, in the ST home folder box, type the Virtual Folder name that you defined in step 5.


  10. Click Apply to save the changes on the Server.

Now when a file is sent, the SAT user's home folder is created at the location you specified for the Virtual Folder.