Stop Processing

The Stop Processing Action is added automatically with each of the Actions except for the Send notification email Action, or you can add it after an Event or Condition. The Stop Processing Action ends processing of Event Rules, depending on your selection:




Some exceptions/clarifications to consider:


The example below shows three Rules that are triggered with an On Upload Event. "Stop processing this and more Rules" causes the other two processes in this example to stop:


Based on these Rules, cserpent's file will be moved, but uploaded files will not be encrypted, nor will cserpent receive an e-mail notification when a file is uploaded.  


A recurring Timer does not stop recurring if the Rule Actions fail; it will recur as scheduled until you disable or delete the Rule. In the case of Timer Rules, "Stop processing this rule" means "do not execute any further Actions with this Rule" (such as sending an e-mail), but it does NOT mean that the Timer will stop. For example, if you have defined the Rule to run every hour, an Action in the Rule could fail (such as downloading a file from a remote computer), but the Timer will run again the next hour, and the next hour, and so on, until you tell it to stop (by manually disabling it).