Understanding LDAP Authentication

EFT Server Enterprise supports using an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) database for authenticating users. LDAP is a protocol used for accessing information directories on an LDAP Server. A typical LDAP server is a simple network-accessible database in which user account lists are stored and includes information about those users and the privileges assigned to each user. LDAP support on EFT Server allows you to authenticate users through connection to LDAP servers such as Novell eDirectory server, OpenLDAP, Sun ONE Server, Microsoft’s Active Directory server, and Tivoli Access Manager.

This help file is not intended as an LDAP tutorial. For information about LDAP, download the Microsoft white paper "Understanding LDAP" at http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/d/3/3d32b0cd-581c-4574-8a27-67e89c206a54/uldap.doc.

Related Topics

Connecting to an LDAP Server

LDAP Filtering

Testing LDAP Authentication Settings