Changing the Date Format

The Web Transfer Client can display the date files were modified with the month first (MM/DD/YY) or the day first (DD/MM/YY).

To change the format of how dates are displayed

  1. Click Settings. The Web Transfer Client - Settings dialog box appears.

  2. The Use MM/DD/YY date formatting check box is selected by default. Clear the check box if you want it to display the day/month/year (e.g., 28/05/2008) instead of month/day/year (e.g., 05/28/2008).

  3. By default, the dates are displayed in GMT format, because the server is quite often not in the same time zone as the client computer.

  4. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to keep existing settings.

  5. Refresh the display using the WTC's Refresh button. The Refresh button in the WTC refreshes the display without requesting a new session. Each refresh of the browser counts as one session, so do not use the browser's refresh icon or F5.

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