Error Messages and File Names

Error messages and prompts appear for a variety of scenarios (if you attempt to upload a file whose path exceeds the Windows limit or attempt to create a folder when you do not have permission, the path exceeds the Windows limit, a folder with the same name exists, your disk quota is exceeded, and so on). If you have read the error message/prompt and are unable to resolve the error yourself, provide the text of the message to your system administrator.

The most common error is a problem with a file or folder name. Ensure that you have provided a unique name, you have permission to create the folder, and the path length does not exceed Windows limits, as described below.

File-Naming Conventions

EFT Server, the WTC, and the PTC follow the standard Windows naming conventions, with a few exceptions:

^   Accent circumflex (caret)

&   Ampersand

'   Apostrophe (single quotation mark)

@   At symbol

{   Brace left

}   Brace right

[   Bracket opening

]   Bracket closing

$   Dollar symbol

€   Euro symbol (v6.1 and later)

=   Equal sign

,   Comma

!   Exclamation point

-   Hyphen

#   Number sign

(   Parenthesis opening

)   Parenthesis closing

%   Percent

.   Period

+   Plus

~   Tilde

_   Underscore

For more information regarding file-naming conventions, refer to the Microsoft Windows Developer Network article Naming a File and the Microsoft TechNet article How NTFS Works.