Error messages and prompts appear for a variety of scenarios (if you attempt to upload a file whose path exceeds the Windows limit or attempt to create a folder when you do not have permission, the path exceeds the Windows limit, a folder with the same name exists, your disk quota is exceeded, and so on). If you have read the error message/prompt and are unable to resolve the error yourself, provide the text of the message to your system administrator.
The most common error is a problem with a file or folder name. Ensure that you have provided a unique name, you have permission to create the folder, and the path length does not exceed Windows limits, as described below.
EFT Server, the WTC, and the PTC follow the standard Windows naming conventions, with a few exceptions:
You can name files using almost any character for a name, except for the following reserved characters:
< > : " / \ | ? *
The maximum length for a path is 255 characters. This limitation includes the drive letter, colon, backslash, directories, subdirectories, filename, and extension.
UTF-8-encoded characters that are valid for naming files, folders, or shortcuts, plus the following special characters are allowed:
^ Accent circumflex (caret) & Ampersand ' Apostrophe (single quotation mark) @ At symbol { Brace left } Brace right [ Bracket opening ] Bracket closing $ Dollar symbol € Euro symbol (v6.1 and later) = Equal sign |
, Comma ! Exclamation point - Hyphen # Number sign ( Parenthesis opening ) Parenthesis closing % Percent . Period + Plus ~ Tilde _ Underscore |
For more information regarding file-naming conventions, refer to the Microsoft Windows Developer Network article Naming a File and the Microsoft TechNet article How NTFS Works.