To use NT/AD authentication, users need "Log On Locally" access (allows a user to log on as if they were at the computer's keyboard) to the EFT Server computer on which EFT Server is installed, no matter which kind of computer it is or what role it plays on the network, including a domain controller. In addition to the "Log On Locally" access, GlobalSCAPE Customer Support recommends creating an AD account with adequate privileges to all of the resources (AD query, network shares) required for the Site. There is no set formula for the type of account needed, because network configurations vary. Some EFT Server customers might pull users across multiple domains and might want to restrict that access. Consult with your AD network administrator for assistance, if necessary.
The EFT Server must have "Log On as a domain user" permission for e-mail notifications to work. The EFT Server service must have full administrative rights to the folder in which you install EFT Server. With administrative rights, the service can save all of your settings. If the service does not have administrative rights, you will lose settings and user accounts whenever you restart the EFT Server service, and you will need to reset permissions on the computer on which the EFT Server service is running. |