Session Status

The Administrator Interface displays the number of session licenses currently in use and how many remain available. The number of Web Transfer Client sessions includes the number of times a single user has refreshed the screen to open another session, not just the number of users who are connected. Each refresh of the browser counts as one session, so inform users not to click the browser's Refresh icon or F5. Instead, click the Refresh icon in the WTC, which refreshes the display without requesting a new session.

To check Web Transfer Client status:

  1. In the Administrator, connect to EFT Server and click the Server tab.

  2. Click the Site In EFT Administrator, a Site is similar to a virtual FTP server bound to one or more IP addresses. you want to monitor, then click the Status tab.

  3. The number of Web Transfer Client sessions in use (active) and the number available (remaining) are displayed in the right pane.

(The "Users Connected" field indicates users connected via FTP. Refer to Status Tab for more information.)

In Internet Explorer, a message appears when the user has been disconnected from EFT Server.