Upgrading the Software

Before upgrading, contact the Sales team to obtain a new registration serial number or to determine your eligibility for an upgrade.

Important Pre-Installation Information:

  • If you want to test or verify an update prior to introduction into your production environment, do not use your production serial number for testing purposes.

  • If you are adding any modules, you may receive a new activation serial number. If so, then it may be necessary to activate the software when you start it for the first time.

  • It is very important that the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer (SAT) module use the same version of the SFTPCOMInterface.dll used by EFT Server to which SAT is connecting. Upgrading EFT Server might require also updating the SFTPCOMInterface.dll for the SAT module. Refer to the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer help for details.

  • If you are upgrading from Secure FTP Server, refer to Upgrading Secure FTP Server v3.3 to EFT Server v6.x.

  • If you are upgrading in a clustered environment, refer to Upgrading EFT Server in a Cluster or contact GlobalSCAPE support  for assistance.

  • If you are moving a Server from one computer to another, contact the GlobalSCAPE customer service team or your account manager so that we can adjust your account on our activation and registration server. Activation on the new computer will not be possible until the adjustment is made.

  • You can upgrade from:

    • EFT Server version 5.x to EFT Server Enterprise version 6.x (EFT Server version 5.x is not upgradable to EFT Server basic version 6.x)

    • EFT Server basic version 6.x to EFT Server Enterprise version 6.x

    • Secure FTP Server version 3 to EFT Server basic or Enterprise version 6.x

  • If you have purchased a license for Secure FTP Server - FIPS, you can upgrade for free to EFT Server (base) with the HS module

  • Upgrading from versions of EFT Server prior to version 5.x to EFT Server version 6.x or EFT Server Enterprise version 6.x is not supported. (You can upgrade to version 5.x first, then upgrade to version 6.x.)

  • Upgrading from versions of Secure FTP Server prior to version 3.x to EFT Server version 6.x or EFT Server Enterprise version 6.x is not supported. (You can upgrade to Secure FTP Server version 3.x first, then upgrade to EFT Server.)

  • "Downgrading" from EFT Server Enterprise to EFT Server basic edition is not supported. You will have to install as a new installation rather than an "upgrade."

  • If you are upgrading or updating EFT Server or any of its modules, use the upgrade procedure below. It is a good idea to read the Release Notes before you begin. (If you do not have online access, you can read the release notes, notes.txt, in the installation folder.)

  • If you are upgrading from EFT Server basic edition to EFT Server Enterprise, you may have to update the path to the .aud file in the Authentication Options dialog box for each Site. Refer to GlobalSCAPE Authentication or Changing and Testing LDAP Authentication Options for instructions, depending on the authentication type. When the EFT Server service starts, it looks for a .cfg file. If the .cfg file is not found, corrupted, or not compatible, EFT Server creates a new .cfg file in the default location. If the .cfg file is corrupted or the wrong version, the bad .cfg file is backed up and an error is written to the Event log. The .cfg file points to the Sites' .aud files. You cannot edit the .cfg file. EFT Server searches for the .aud file near the ftp.cfg file if the path to the .aud file appears to be incorrect.

  • If you are upgrading to SQL Express 2005 SP3, which can be installed as part of the upgrade, on Windows Server 2008, the following prompt appears:

The following applications should be closed before continuing the install:

SQL Server (GLOBALSCAPE)(Process Id: 784)

[Retry] [Ignore] [Cancel]

   Click Ignore to continue with the installation.

To upgrade the software

  1. Document the administrator user name and password for the existing product. If you are also upgrading the database files, you will need the ARM database name, username, and password.

  2. Close the Administrator interface and stop the EFT Server service and the DMZ Gateway service, if it is installed on the same computer as EFT Server.

  3. As a precaution, back up the existing installation directories and any other files you may have installed elsewhere. If you are upgrading EFT Server Enterprise, run a backup and save off that backup file in an easily accessed location or removable media.

  4. Launch the installer. The Choose an installer page appears.

  5. Click EFT Server or EFT Server Enterprise. The installer loads the required components, then the Welcome page appears.

  6. The installer will detect the existing installation of Secure FTP Server or EFT Server.

  7. Click Upgrade to upgrade the existing configuration and copy your existing Sites, users, etc. to the new installation. (If you are upgrading a cluster, refer to Installing EFT Server in a Cluster. If this is a new installation, refer to Installing the Server, Administrator, and Modules.)

  8. (Optional---only if you are upgrading from version 5.x to version 6.0.x, you might see the "Invalid SFTP key detected" page.)

  9. Click Next. The Choose Components page appears.

  10. Click Next. The Choose Install Location page appears.

  11. Both EFT Server and the Administrator Interface must be upgraded. Click Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

  12. Specify where to create the program's shortcuts or keep the default.

  13. Click Next. The ARM selection page appears.

  14. If the installer finds an ARM database, you will be asked whether you want upgrade the current database or point to a different database.

  15. Do one of the following:

  16. The installer will test the database connection, if configured, then install EFT Server and components. When the wizard is finished, restart the Server services. The EFT Server service Log On as account will be set to Local System account by default. You can edit this in the service's Properties dialog box, on the Log on tab. (Start > Run > services.msc.)

If you are upgrading from EFT Server basic edition to EFT Server Enterprise

After you have finished installing EFT Server Enterprise, uninstall EFT Server basic edition. When you launch the administrator interface, the following error message appears: “Cannot find report definition file. File Missing....” and lists several files. To resolve the issue, close the interface, then execute the following commands in the C:\Program Files\Globalscape\EFT Enterprise directory:

Regsvr32.exe vsflex8l.ocx

Regsvr32.exe vsprint8.ocx

Regsvr32.exe vsrpt8.ocx

Reopen the interface and the message should no longer appear.

If EFT Server and DMZ Gateway are both installed, both Server services should be restarted, even if only one Server is updated.

If EFT Server and the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer module are installed on the same computer, then the upgrade process for EFT Server will also upgrade any supporting files required by SAT. For example, the COM object is registered on the computer by EFT Server and used by SAT; however, the IIS service must be restarted so that ASP.NET (hosted by the aspnet_wp.exe process) will release any references to the existing COM object and reload the new one. You can do so in the Windows Services dialog box, or open a Windows command prompt and type iisreset.

If you need additional information or help, visit GlobalSCAPE's Support Center at http://www.globalscape.com/support.