Using an ODBC Data Source for User Authentication

EFT Server allows you to use any ODBC (Open Database Connectivity; a standard database access method used to access any data from any application, regardless of which database management system (DBMS) is handling the data.)-compatible database as a source for user authentication. You may add and remove users and set certain permissions using your existing database utility or through the Administrator. EFT Server uses ADO (ActiveX Data Objects; a language-neutral object model that exposes data raised by an underlying OLE DB Provider.) to communicate with the authentication databases using "generic" SQL statements.

To use an external ODBC data source you must:

If you are using EFT Server on Windows XP, you do not need to install MDAC 2.6 or higher on your computer. For any other Windows operating system, you can download MDAC 2.6 or 2.7 from If you are using an Access database, you may also need to download a Jet driver. For information about Jet drivers, refer to Article ID: 282010 on the Microsoft Support pages: For information about MDAC 2.6, refer to Article ID: 271908 on the Microsoft Support pages:

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Creating a Site that Uses ODBC Authentication