Sending Files

You can transfer files of any type, but the file size is limited to 2GB or less. (This is a limitation of Web browsers, not the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer module.)

To send a file using Secure Ad Hoc Transfer

  1. Connect to the Web e-mail interface. To do so, type the IP address or domain name to the IIS Web Site running the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer module, depending on the Web site and Virtual Folder you chose during installation. For example, type or

  2. The Web e-mail form appears:

    If the Web form does not appear, try http instead of https. (Administrators can refer to Troubleshooting Errors in the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Module for assistance.)

  3. In the From box, type your e-mail address. The From address is stored in a cookie for one day after a successful e-mail has been sent. Subsequent e-mail messages contain the previous From e-mail address, unless you overwrite it.)

  4. In the To box, type the destination address (the intended recipient), or click To to open your address book, which contains addresses you used previously.

  5. To show the Cc and Bcc boxes (advanced e-mail options), on the menu bar, click Show Cc & Bcc. Type the destination address (the intended recipient) or click Cc or Bcc to open your address book, which contains addresses you used previously.

  6. To type multiple recipients, separate the addresses with commas; e.g.,,

  7. If you want to send a copy of the message your e-mail address, on the menu bar, click Send me a copy.

  8. If you want the recipient to be able to send you files, on the menu bar, click Allow the recipient to send me a file, which enables upload permissions to the temporary folder created for the recipient.

  9. (Optional) In the Subject box, type the topic of the e-mail.

  10. (Optional) In the Body box, type a message.

  11. In the Attachments area, click Add Files to attach one or more files to the e-mail. A new file box and Browse button will appear (attachments are not required if Allow Upload is selected).

  12. The Add Files button changes to Add more files. Repeat this process to attach more files.

  13. To remove attachments, click Remove next to the attached file.

  14. Click Send. A message appears indicating a successful send. When the transfer is complete, you will receive a confirmation message. The recipients will receive a message notifying them of the files to be picked up.