Copying Workflows

There are several different ways you can copy or reuse steps from your existing Workflows.

You can also copy and paste the step descriptions shown in visual view.

To copy and paste Workflow steps in the Designer

  1. In the Steps pane, select the steps you want to copy. To select a group of steps, hold down the SHIFT key and click the first and the last step in the group. To select multiple separate steps, hold down CTRL while you click the steps. To select all steps, press CTRL+A or click Select All on the Edit menu.

  2. Click Copy .

You can also paste copied steps or step descriptions into other documents such as e-mail messages or text files.

To copy and paste step descriptions in the Designer

  1. In the Designer Steps pane, select the step or steps from which you want to copy the descriptions.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Copy Description.

  3. Go to the location where you want to place the copied descriptions, and press CTRL+V.

    You can change the placement of any step by selecting it and clicking the Move Up or Move Down icons on the toolbar.

To copy sections of Workflows in the .aml file

You can open the .aml files in any text editor, such as Notepad, and copy and paste steps from one file to another, and from one Site to another.

For example, if you wanted to add the step below to another Workflow, you would copy the section between the <STEPS> tags and paste it into the STEPS section in another .aml file.






<AMMESSAGEBOX>%AMTrigger.Filename% triggered this task.</AMMESSAGEBOX>



To copy a Workflow in the Administrator interface

  1. In EFT Administrator, connect to EFT Server and click the Server tab.

  2. In the left pane, click the Advanced Workflow node. The Advanced Workflow pane appears.

  3. In the right pane, select a Workflow, then click Copy. The Create a Copy dialog box appears.

  4. Provide a new name and description of the Workflow, if you want, then click OK.

  5. The copy appears in the Workflow list in the right pane and in the Workflows node of the tree in the left pane. You can then edit it as needed.

If you have many, complex workflows, you might want to create an Event Rule to backup the .aml files in the AWE folder periodically.