Mail Express™ allows users to send large email file attachments to recipients inside or outside of their organization. The email may contain a link to the Reply Portal. In the Reply Portal, recipients can respond to the email to return files to the sender. (You must attach at least one file; it is not used simply for an email response.)
To configure the Reply Portal
Launch the Mail Express Server administration interface. (e.g., click Start > Programs > Globalscape > Mail Express > Mail Express Admin or double-click the desktop shortcut).
Log in using the Mail Express Server administrator username and password that you specified during installation of the server.
In the navigation pane, click Portal Settings > Reply Settings. The Reply Portal Settings page appears.
To enable the Reply Portal, select the Portal enabled check box.
To require reply users to use CAPTCHA, select the Require CAPTCHA to send check box.
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a program that displays a test that humans can pass, but a computer is not likely to, such as reading a series of distorted letters and typing the same letters into a box, thus limiting the amount of spam emails. |
To limit the total file size of one transfer, select the Total file size limit check box, then specify the file size in the boxes. (The default is 2 GB.)
To expire download links, select the Link expiration check box, then specify the duration. If no link expiration is defined, packages will be purged based on the file retention policy. When you modify the file expiration value, you are modifying this setting for all future transfers. Packages that are active within the system retain the expiration value in place at time that they were created. (The default is 2 weeks. Link expiration can be from 1 hour to 99 years.)
To exclude specific file types from being transferred, select the File type exclusions check box, then list up to 50 file extensions in the box. (Wildcards are not supported.)
To add file extensions to the list, type the file extension in the small box, then click Add.
To remove a file extension from the list, click the file extension in the list, then click Remove.
To limit the domains to which reply users can send files, select the Valid recipient domains check box. (The domain is everything that comes after the @ symbol in the email address. For example, if the address is, the domain is When a reply user clicks "Reply all" to an email that includes recipients whose domains are restricted, the emails to those recipients are not sent.
To add domains to which drop-off users can send files, type the domain in the small box, then click Add. (Changes are not saved until you click Save.)
To remove domains to which drop-off users can send files, click the domain in the list, then click Remove. (Changes are not saved until you click Save.)
The domain validator looks for an exact match with valid recipient domains OR if the email address is a sub-domain of a valid recipient domain. For example, if the valid recipient domain is, valid email addresses are or, but not
Click Save to save your changes, or click Restore to reset the boxes to their previous setting. If you navigate away from the page without clicking Save, your changes are discarded.