EFT™ Connection Configuration

This section describes configuring Mail Express for use with EFT. For information about installing and configuring EFT, please refer to the EFT Server documentation.

Mail Express integration with EFT only works with the 32-bit version of Mail Express. If you have the 64-bit installer, the EFT integration options will not be available, because the COM calls required for integration will not work. The EFT installer provides the 32-bit Mail Express installer.

Version 3.3 and later of Mail Express Server can connect to EFT™ version 6.5 and later for ad hoc mail transfers. Mail Express communicates to EFT any Mail Express file transfers for use in EFT Event Rules and Reporting.

You can install Mail Express and EFT on the same computer or remotely from each other. If EFT is installed on a separate computer, you must enable remote administration on EFT.

Mail Express can automatically populate configuration items shared with EFT using the Auto sync feature. Using Auto sync, Mail Express can automatically synchronize all EFT settings that it needs or you can sync them one at a time on the various Mail Express administration pages. The Mail Express settings that can synchronize with EFT include mail server configuration (host name and port, mail server authentication settings, and From address for Mail Express notifications) and DMZ Gateway configuration (whether DMZ Gateway is enabled in EFT, DMZ Gateway address, the server port, and the client HTTPS port).

An Event Rule time limit specifies how old an event can be and still trigger any Mail Express-related Event Rules in EFT. The default is one hour. For example, if the network has been down for 5 hours, and you have an Event Rule configured to test communication with the Mail Express Server every 30 minutes, when the network comes back up, you will only see events for the past hour instead of every trigger for the past 5 hours. EFT and Mail Express will still audit the transfers and the transfers can appear in reports. Refer to Mail Express and EFT Event Rules for more information about the Event Rule time limit.

Mail Express can import and use the following configuration items from an integrated EFT:

Before you can use Mail Express Server with EFT, you have to provide Mail Express with the EFT connection information as described below.

To connect Mail Express to EFT

  1. Launch the Mail Express Server administration interface. (e.g., click Start > Programs > Globalscape > Mail Express > Mail Express Admin or double-click the desktop shortcut).

  2. Log in using the Mail Express Server administrator username and password that you specified during installation of the server.

  3. In the navigation pane or on the Mail Express Status page, click EFT. The EFT Server Configuration page appears.

  4. Select the Enable EFT Server integration check box. The page expands to display more options.

  5. EFTServerConfiguration3302.PNG

  6. In the Host box, provide EFT's administrative IP address or host name. It is preferable to use the hostname, in case the IP address changes.

  7. In the Port box, provide EFT administrative port number.

  8. In the Administrator username box, provide an EFT administrator username.

  9. In the Administrator password box and Confirm administrator password box, provide the administrator password.

  10. Next to Site name, click Select Site to specify which EFT Site Mail Express is to use for EFT connections. You can only specify one Site.

  11. Specify the Event Rule time limit.

  12. (Optional) Select the Auto sync EFT configuration to synchronize Mail Express settings with EFT configuration.

  13. Do one of the following:

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You can also search the Knowledgebase for help, or pose your question in the Globalscape User Forum. Visit the Mail Express Support Center for the most up-to-date information, to view version history, updates, and activation instructions, or to download a PDF of this user guide. For information about Globalscape, visit www.globalscape.com or follow us on Twitter.

Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:19